Almost every little child I know goes through a dinosaur phase somewhere in his young toddler life. This cookie cutter dinosaur skeleton set includes 5 of the most recognized of the Jurassic era. Tumbling tikes can finally play with their food as the skeleton friends battle each other before entering the “Cave of Delicious Doom”, otherwise known as your child’s mouth. Each set includes the identifiable T-Rex, Brontosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Spinosaurus. Your inquisitive child will delight unearthing prehistoric fossils in a cookie exploration. Who says you can’t play with your food? When it’s this fun and educational, we encourage it!
Cookie art by follow her on instagram!
Item measurements:
Depth: 15mm
Stegosaurus - 109.7mm wide x 85m high
Brontosaurus - 123.5mm wide x 85mm high
T-Rex - 85mm wide x 102.6 high
Triceratops - 105.2mm wide x 85mm high
Historically inaccurate dinosaur (aka unknown) - 116.6mm wide x 85mm high